Easter 2011

Easter 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

5 Weeks Home

Today is a special day for Rob and I. We had our first date 24 years ago. We don't "celebrate" this anniversary, like do anything big, or exchange gifts, but we always remember that it's our first date anniversary. This year, I have to admit that I almost forgot. My husband had to remind me. Then I had to count up how many years ago. So when I was a sophomore in high school and Rob was a senior, a mutual friend, Lance Davis, said that he knew someone who liked me. Being dramatic, he didn't tell me who, only another senior, so my friend Lori and I rattled off the entire football team on the drive home. Her mom took us to school. When I found it was Robbie Greer, that science nerd from Advanced Chemistry, I thought, oh well. Maybe I'll get to go to the prom. I was sooo mature. Grin. Six weeks later, I was in love and we dated until we got married after college and joined him at graduate school. I would have never guessed that we would have 5 children and still be so in love. Yep! I still love him like I did in high school, except there's so much more to love about him now. He has been faithful when I doubted whether or not we would EVER save the money for the adoption; he has been steady and loving, my best friend. He's a good provider and great dad and he's loved me when I am pretty unloveable. Oh yes, I have my moments. It's never boring with his new interests like travel, guitar, golf, marathon running and cycling. My one and only was meant just for me!

Ethan update: Ethan has had good and bad days this week. I've seen more of the tantrums we saw in China, but not nearly so intense. One day was just one tantrum after another. We had only been awake for 2 hours and we were already in the stroller, cruising the neighborhood to try and improve the mood. After this day, I decided he needed a morning nap in addition to his afternoon nap. This has made a huge difference. It's a lot more napping than I would expect from a 2 and half year-0ld, but he is processing a lot of information all of time. I'm trying to introduce things slowly, but it seems like there is always a new situation or person to meet, or place to go. Overall, I think ( really hope ) that he's feeling comfortable enough to show some frustration and displeasure. I was prepared for an angry phase, but these tantrums seem to be normal toddler frustration. After all, he can't communicate his wants and needs and I don't always know, though often I can guess. And, let's face it, all 2 year-olds want to do stuff that isn't safe or possible and sometimes just can't have his way.

So, I feel like I've spent most of the week counseling. I counsel Ethan through his frustration. I counsel Jackson through the not-the-youngest-anymore jealousy. I counsel Alicia through her middle-child attitude. I counsel Zach and Hattie through their respective adolescent issues. No room to even begin that discussion. I was really busy listening, checking attitudes and guiding all week. This is more tiring than the physical mommy duties, strangely. I am honored to have the time and relationship with all of my kiddos to do this. But, I think I'll go to bed early tonight.